Themes and styling#

A theme is a set of pre-defined options that are applied as default options before each chart is rendered. You can read more about themes on the Highcharts documentation page.

Changing the theme on the fly#

By default, charts will render with the easychart theme, but the package comes with a collection of 20 themes, courtesy of Joshua Kunst. To render a chart in a different theme, render the chart and pass the name of the theme:

#pass the theme explicitely to the render function
easychart.render(chart, theme="economist")

Alternatively, you can also pass a theme object to the render function.

import easychart

#create a theme object
theme = {"chart":{"backgroundColor":"#eeeeee"}, "yAxis":{"gridLineColor":"white"}}

#pass the theme explicitely to the render function
easychart.render(chart, theme=theme)

Changing the default theme#

You can change the default theme

import easychart

easychart.config.theme = "economist" # if you want future notebooks to use this theme


You can set different values to easychart.config.theme:

  • the name of a built-in theme (see list here) like easychart or economist.

  • the complete path to a theme file (e.g. C:\users\David\my-custom-theme.json)

  • the name of a theme file (e.g. custom-theme.json) saved in the current working directory

  • the name of a theme file (e.g. custom-theme.json) saved in the os.path.expanduser("~/.easychart")

In each case, with or without the .json extension.

You can always reset your config back to factory defaults later

easychart.config.reset(save=True) # or False to temporarily reset

You can also define the theme as the EASYCHART.THEME environment variable.


The value of the environment variable, if defined, will take precedence over the value defined in easychart.config.theme

Creating a custom theme#

To create a custom theme:

  1. create a theme file (e.g. my-custom-theme.json)

  2. save it as os.path.expanduser("~/.easychart/my-custom-theme.json")

  3. update the config to point to this custom theme file

Here’s a snippet to get started:

import json
import os
import easychart

#create the folder if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser("~/.easychart")):

#create the theme.json file
with open(os.path.expanduser("~/.easychart/my-custom-theme.json"), "w") as file:
    json.dump({}, file)

#print the location of the file

# update the config
easychart.config.theme = "my-custom-theme" # if you want to use this custom theme in all future notebooks


It’s probably easiest to start from and amend an existing theme file.