Chart dimensions#


New and updated in version 0.0.17

By default, charts are rendered in the Jupyter notebook with a default width of 600px and height of 400px.


These default values are consistent with the default dimensions that the Highcharts library implements itself.

The chart width and height can be provided as arguments to the function:

>>> import easychart
>>> chart =, height=600) # pixels or percentages

… or set as properties to the chart object:

>>> chart =
>>> chart.width  = 900 # pixels or percentages
>>> chart.height = 600 # pixels or percentages

… or directly as properties of the chart.chart object:

>>> chart =
>>> chart.chart.width  = 900 # pixels ONLY
>>> chart.chart.height = 600 # pixels or percentages


For the chart width, if given a percentage value (e.g. 50%), the chart width will be computed (by easychart) as a fraction of the default width (e.g. 50% of 600px is 300px).


>>> chart ="200%")
>>> chart.chart.width # the width property is set in chart.chart.width

For the chart height, if given a percentage value (e.g. 50%), the chart height will be rendered (by Highcharts) as a fraction of the chart width (e.g. set height equal to 50% of the chart width). This allows for preserving the aspect ratio across responsive sizes.

Responsive rendering#

With responsive rendering, the chart width shrinks and grows to fill the available space that it is provided with by its parent container.

To enable responsive rendering, simply amend the easychart config as follows:

easychart.config.rendering.responsive = True # False to revert # if you want to preserve this in future sessions


By default, the parent container’s width and max-width are both set to 100% of the notebook width. You can also customize the container dimensions (in absolute pixels or percentage of available space)

# percentage of notebook width or pixels as string (e.g. "1200px")
easychart.config.rendering.container.width = "100%"
easychart.config.rendering.container["max-width"] = "980px" # if you want to preserve this in future sessions